Indlela Products

Indlela products comprise a comprehensive collection of our resources designed to keep you updated about our work in the behavioural economics space. We are dedicated to providing you with valuable insights and knowledge through our range of products.

Quarterly newsletter

Our quarterly newsletter shares the latest news from Indlela as we build a community of practice around the use of behavioural economics and nudges to improve uptake and delivery health services in South Africa and the region. We hope this newsletter is helpful for you – please do share any feedback or suggestions that you may have.

To sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter click here.

View the previous issues of the newsletter

B-Hub Animation

Learn about Indlela’s Behavioural Hub (B-Hub) in a fun and easy-to-understand animation! 


Indlela Publications

Indlela publication in collaboration with Right to Care

Title: Evaluation of Four Interventions Using Behavioral Economics Insights to Increase Demand for Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision in South Africa Through the MoyaApp: A Quasi-Experimental Study

Click here

Indlela publication in collaboration with Anova

Title: A randomized trial of ‘fresh start’ text messaging to improve return to care in people with HIV who missed appointments in South Africa


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Indlela publication in collaboration with FPD

Title: Applying behavioural economics principles to increase demand for free HIV testing services at private doctor-led clinics in Johannesburg, South Africa: A randomised controlled trial 

Click here

Indlela commentary

Title:  Maximising the value of nudges for global health

Click here

 Vooma Voucher brief report

Title: A quasi-experimental cohort study evaluating a conditional economic incentive on first-dose COVID-19 vaccination rates among older adults in South Africa.

Click here

Nudgeathon and Behavioural Insights Reports

In our effort to use innovative approaches for disseminating our project findings, we share insights reports from our BIT projects and Nudgeathon reports. 

Learning materials on BE

Our learning resources include COVID-19 tip sheets and guides on behavioural interventions for HIV services.