Building capacity to design and test nudges and other behavioural solutions to improve the effectiveness of health services and achieve better health outcomes in South Africa

Building capacity to design and test nudges and other behavioural solutions to improve the effectiveness of health services and achieve better health outcomes in South Africa.

Who We Are

Indlela@HE2RO is a collaboration between the University of Witwatersrand’s Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office (HE2RO), the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE), the University of Cape Town and Boston University. Indlela is a first-of-its-kind behavioural science unit focused specifically on improving the effectiveness of the public sector in delivering health care and achieving better health outcomes in South Africa and regionally. Our focus area is primarily on HIV and will be expanding to TB and non-communicable disease areas.

News & Announcements

K-Award project

PROBe Study 

Congratulations Dr Candice M Chetty-Makkan

Chairperson: 12th SA AIDS Conference


View all previous News & Announcements

Our products 

BITs and Projects  

“Your Path” project

Introducing Indlela’s BIT

Indlela B-Hub


FebriSol project

Introducing a new BIT project:

‘Fresh start’ messaging

Indlela Viewpoint

Launch of Indlela’s Viewpoint

Sophisticated nudging in HIV

View Indlela’s Viewpoint

The Unattractive Free


Conferences and Partner Meetings

AIDS 2024 Conference