The role of cognitive biases in the decision to request, offer, accept and continue on PrEP from a health care provider and patient perspective (men who have sex with men)

Partner organizations: Anova Health Institute, Aurum Institute and Indlela@HE2RO



Study objective: Describe and measure prevalence of cognitive biases and identify predictors of PrEP persistence amongst South African MSM using mixed methods. Findings from this study will be used to co-design a BIT.



Evaluation description:

  • Baseline questionnaire: The questionnaire will capture data on demographics, cognitive bias, risk taking propensity and related questions on HIV risk and attitudes towards PrEP.
  • Telephonic endline questionnaire: Participants  who stop services at the study site may be contacted to determine their outcome. A subset of participants that have remained in care and have an outcome based on their medical record may also be contacted to provide insight into their reasons for PrEP persistence.



Study site: Anova Health Institute will lead study activities at Ivan Toms specialised clinic for men in Cape Town and Indlela will lead data collection at the Aurum Institute clinics for key populations in Tshwane.



Target population: 

Inclusion criteria for cohort 1:

  • Adult (18 years of age or older)
  • Male
  • Not currently on PrEP
  • Initiating PrEP on the date of enrolment
  • Willing and able to provide written informed consent in English


Exclusion criteria for cohort 1:

  • PrEP status unknown
  • Previous PrEP experience within the last year (12 months from enrolment)


Inclusion criteria for cohort 2:

  • Adult (18 years of age or older)
  • Male
  • Currently been on PrEP for the last 6-12 months continuously
  • Attending a routine PrEP visit at study site on the date of enrolment
  • Willing and able to provide written informed consent in English


 Exclusion criteria for cohort 2:

  • PrEP status unknown
  • Not received PrEP at the study site in the previous 6-12 months



Sample size: The study will enroll a total of 150 clients for this study split between the cohorts based on recruitment.



Duration: 9 Months