SA AIDS 2023 update

SA AIDS 2023

The SA AIDS Conference was an exciting and productive event for the Indlela team. We shared updates and results from some of our BIT projects through oral and poster presentations. We received the Discovery Clinical Excellence Award for Best Clinical Poster for our poster titled: Indlela’s Behavioural Hub (B-Hub): Rapid learning to inform behavioural interventions for HIV programmes. We engaged the conference delegates through our satellite session on using Nudgeathons to generate ideas . We also hosted a skills-building workshop which was aimed at designing behavioural solutions/nudges, this was a hands-on workshop. We were pleased to host a dinner with our EAB members and engage with some of our partners and stakeholders from the Department of Health.



Satellite session 

Title: Using Nudgeathons to generate ideas for behaviourally informed interventions for HIV programmes



















Skills-Building Workshop

Title: Designing behavioural solutions/nudges: A hands-on workshop applying the EAST framework






















Oral presentations 


















Poster presentations 

























Dinner with Indlela External Advisory Board















Meeting partners and stakeholders